George Glavis

Dear sir: As vice president of our fire department I reached out to Fenton Fire when our original engine was replaced with a newer, fancier, heavier, bigger unit. Mr Jim Campbell assisted us greatly in formatting a meaningful description and picture version of our surplus equipment. He also helped us arrive at a fair market value, since asking prices were all over the map for solid, reliable but seasoned apparatus in excellent shape. Once listed, Mr. Campbell provided swift, courteous service reagrding interested parties who would have bought this without hesitation if transport distance had been shorter. Each contact was presented professionally and followed up without delay. When the right prospective purchaser was introduced, Mr. Campbell stayed in the background ready to assist as necessary. In summary, we were very pleased with Fenton Fire and Mr. Campbell’s service. Thanks to him this stainless steel 1000 gal unit still is in emergency service with a needy fire & rescue company, rather than being reduced to a honey bucket or cattle water truck as some greedy local people had hoped. Sincerely,